제목Choi, Dooho, Dongguk Han, and Howon Kim. “Construction of efficient and secure pairing algorithm and its application.” Communications and Networks, Journal of 10, no. 4, pp. 437-443, December, 2008, (SCIE) 2020-04-01 18:57카테고리SCI paper작성자김 호원 목록 댓글 [0] 더보기이전Han, Dong-Guk, Dooho Choi, and Howon Kim. “Improved computation of square roots in specific finite fields.” Computers, IEEE Transactions on 58, no. 2, pp. 188-196, February, 2009, (SCI)김 호원 2020-04-01다음Masaaki SHIRASE, Dong-Guk HAN, Yasushi HIBINO, Howon KIM, Tsuyoshi TAKAGI,”A More Compact Representation of XTR Cryptosystem,” IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A, No.10, pp.2843-2850, Howon Kim, Thomas Wollinger, Dooho Choi, Dong-Guk Han, Munkyu Lee,”Hyperelliptic Curve Crypto-Coprocessor over Affine and Projective Coordinates,” ETRI Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.365-376, June 2008 (SCI) 김 호원 2020-04-01 Powered by MangBoard | 워드프레스 쇼핑몰 망보드