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I am currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Pusan National University, having joined in March 2024. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Graduate School of Information Security at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).
From August 2009 to 2012, I worked as a researcher at the National Security Research Institute (NSRI), and subsequently at RIMS from January 2013 to February 13, 2013.
From February 2013 to 2017, I served as a senior researcher and auditor at the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS). Since 2017, until February 2024, I was a senior researcher and team leader in cybersecurity research at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI).

I’m a professor at the department of computer engineering Chief of Energy IoT (Internet of Things) ITRC(IT Research Center) and Chief of ISEC(Information Security Education Center), PNU(Pusan National University).
Before I joined PNU, I had worked at ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) as a team leader for 10 years since December 1998.
I had visited Chair for Communication Security Group(COSY) in Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, as a post doctorial, from July 20030 to June 2004.
I got Ph.D. degree from POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology) and bachelor’s degree from the KyungPook National University.

부산광역시 정보보호 지역협의체 위원, 2024.08.01~
육군본부 사이버전자전 자문위원, 2022.10.01 ~
육군본부 교육사 드론과학기술그룹 자문위원, 2024.02.01~
공공안전통신망포럼 운영위원, 2022.03.01~2
한국무인이동체연구조합 부이사장사, 2021.12.01~ 2024.07
한국포렌식학회 연구이사, 2024.01.01~
한국정보보호협회 이사, 2020.10.01~ 2023.04.30
조달청 대형 소프트웨어사업 전문평가위원, 2020.08 ~ 2021.04
부산시 정보화 기본계획 수립 자문위원, 2020.07 ~
부산 에코델타 스마트시티 국가시범도시 총괄계획단 위원, 2020.04 ~ 2020.12
부산시교육청 사물인터넷 교재개발 집필진, 2019.04 ~ 2019.12
부산광역시 정보화위원회 위원, 2018.12 ~ 2020.11
경찰청 디지털포렌식 자문위원, 2018.09 ~ 2020.08
BNK 백년대계위원회 위원, 2018.01 ~ 2018.12
한국정보보호학회 상임이사, 2016.01 ~ 2020.12
한국정보처리학회 이사, 2015.01 ~ 2016.12
한국멀티미디어학회 이사, 2015.01 ~ 2016.12
WISA 2019 Organizing Committee Member, 8/21~24, Jeju, Korea, 2019
ICUFN 2019 Steering Committee Member, 7/2~5, Zagreb, Croatia, 2019
ICISC 2017 Program Chair, 11/30 ~ 12/2, Seoul, Korea, 2017
ICT Convergence Korea 2017 Steering Committee, 3/22~23, Seoul, Korea, 2017
PlatCon-17 Local Arrangement Chair, 2/13~15, Busan, Korea, 2017
WISA 2016 Organization Chair, 8/22~24, Jeju, Korea, 2016
ICISC 2014 Program Committee Member, 12/3~5, Seoul, Korea, 2014
PROOFS(Security Proofs for Embedded Systems) 2014 General Chair, 9/27, Busan, Korea, 2014
CHES 2014 Program Committee Member, 9/23~26, Busan, Korea, 2014
WISA 2014 Program Committee Member, 8/25~27, Jeju, Korea, 2014
ICISC 2011 Program Chair, 11/30 ~ 12/2, Seoul, Korea, 2011
ICTC 2011 Program Committee Member, 9/28~30, Seoul, Korea, 2011
WISA 2011 Program Committee Member, 8/22~24, Jeju, Korea, 2011
WISA 2010 Program Committee Member, 8/24~26, Jeju, Korea, 2010
WISA 2009 Program Committee Member, 8/25~27, Busan, Korea, 2009
연구실 연혁
2008.03 부산대학교 정보보호 연구실(정보보호 및 IoT 연구실) 오픈
2021. ~ 총 21명의 연구인력 (박사과정 9명, 석사과정 14명, 연구원 4명)
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